Monday, January 2, 2012

Now What?

On January 16th, 2012 we will be having a new face in room 218. Even though Mr. Good will be leaving us, this is a great opportunity for another teacher to step up and do a good thing for our school. I am very glad that Mr. Good was willing to take time out of his own life, and come make a difference here at JDHS. This means a lot to many students, including me.  I am very honored and privileged to be a student for Mr. Good. Even though Mr. Good’s time with us is ending, this will also be a new beginning for us. I am ready for another fresh start with another teacher, and I am willing to learn from another expert. We as a class are prepared to have another new face in room 218 and we are prepared to do anything that the new teacher has for us. The new teacher might not have the same system, and teaching as Mr. Good, but we will be ready to adjust to newer and different things. I am very excited, but also nervous to see how things will be with another new teacher. This should be a very good experience for us.

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